Xuejing Luo

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I am a first-year PhD candidate at Aalto University and University of Manchester, supervised by Prof. Antti Oulasvirta and Prof. Mingfei Sun under the ELLIS program.

I earned my Master’s degree in Robotics, Systems, and Control from ETH Zurich, where I had the privilege of being supervised by Prof. Luc Van Gool and Prof. Chrisitan Holz. Prior to that, I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from RWTH Aachen through the FTBA program.

My research experience includes internships with the Disney Research Studio led by Robert Sumner, and at Frauenhofer IPT.

Email: xuejing.luo@aalto.fi


Sep, 2024 Our work MANIKIN is accepted by ECCV 2024. See you in Milano, Italy!


  1. MANIKIN.png
    MANIKIN: biomechanically accurate neural inverse kinematics for human motion estimation
    Jiaxi Jiang, Paul Streli, Xuejing Luo, and 2 more authors
    In European Conference on Computer Vision, 2025